SLSU Research Journals

SIYASIG: The Southern Luzon Journal of Science is the refereed, open-access research journal for the pure and applied sciences published annually by the Southern Luzon State University in the Philippines. The journal aims to disseminate cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge that may have particular implications for the Southern Tagalog region. The term SIYASIG was coined from the two Filipino words blended together, “siyasat” or vigilant inquiry and “sigasig” or persistence. Thus, the title embodies the essence of assiduous investigations of variables necessary for significant explorations and research activities. The journal is published annually, with a print ISSN-1908-0239 and an online ISSN 2945-3518.

TILAMSIK: The Southern Luzon Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities is the peer-reviewed, open-access journal of research published by the Southern Luzon State University (SLSU) in the Philippines. The journal is indexed in, and published online by, the Philippine E-Journals and Google Scholar. It is published twice every academic published annually, with a print ISSN-19656-1953 and an online ISSN-2467-6209.